How honest can I be?

Increasingly the way I'm working with people 1-2-1 and in groups is really challenging them to express their present moment experience. Not talk about how work has been this week, not talk about what's happening tomorrow, just what's happening in their mind and body right now, and how they're relating to it. Are they accepting it or rejecting it?

In the podcast episode with my dear friend, relationship coach Emma Buggy, we explore doing this with each other. In all of our previous episodes we've had a topic like anxiety or anger, and had some sense before we start recording of what we want to share.

In this episode, there is no topic or plan for what's going to happen. We just notice what we're experiencing in the moment and try to share it with each other - and with you!

We felt nervous before we started recording - would it be of any value to a listener? Would it be overly exposing? Would it go anywhere?

The resulting conversation felt very alive, very honest and at times vulnerable. We witness intense sensations, body movements, fears about being judged, parts of us that want to be seen and others that want to hide… all unfolding moment by moment.

We were inspired by a practise called 'Circling', which we explain a bit about at the start of the episode.

You can listen on Spotify or watch it on YouTube, above.

I'd love to know what you think.

© Andy Hix

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