The hidden gifts of anger

When I first moved in with my partner, she said it was very unsettling that nothing seemed to irritate me. It absolutely did, I'd just spent my whole life learning to hide my anger using my old friend silent resentment 🙂 I particularly noticed how much of this went round in my mind when I was on silent meditation retreats. The same criticisms of other people replaying on a loop.

I often work with people who are at the opposite end of the spectrum - they frequently become aggressively angry with their partner or their children, and by the time they're talking to me their relationships are at serious risk of breaking down. They're often stuck in a cycle of losing their temper, apologising, feeling ashamed, and then subsequently losing their temper again.

But if silent resentment doesn't feel good, and neither does expressing your anger to attack someone, what do we do with it? How do we handle anger skilfully?

That's what I and relationship coach Emma Buggy discuss in this podcast.

You can listen to it on Spotify here.

If you'd like support in developing a positive relationship with anger, that creates more connection with yourself and those you care about rather than more disconnection, book a free 30-minute consultation here.

© Andy Hix

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